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The Best Resistance Band Exercises for Bodybuilders


You may think that using free weights is the only way that bodybuilders can get and stay fit. Actually, there’s another tool that some bodybuilders use – resistance bands.  These are elastic bands that are used for stretching and strength training. They’re often used in physical therapy, but bodybuilders use them as part of their exercise routines, too.  

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What are some of the best resistance band exercises for bodybuilders?



This exercise will replace the use of a dumbbell.  Choose a resistance band that is right for your strength.


1. Place the band under your feet and stand on it.
2. Make sure the band is even width on each side of your feet.
3. Hold a handle in each hand with your palms facing up.
4. Like a dumbbell press, push upward.



You can do a bicep curl with the use of a resistance band.  You’ll need a bench or a chair. You can also sit on your heels.


1. Sit on a bench, a chair, or your heels.
2. Loop the resistance band under your right knee, holding it with your right hand.
3. Pull your right hand toward your right shoulder. Make sure there is adequate resistance. Also, make sure your upper arm remains stationary, and your elbow is close to your body.
4. After the number of repetitions you desire, repeat with the other leg and the other arm.



You don’t have to have a barbell to do an effective chest exercise.  Here you’ll need a bench and a resistance band.


1. Put the band under the back leg of the bench, nearest to your head.
2. Lie on the bench
3. Press up, like you would doing a bench press, while holding the band.



Resistance bands are great for abs, as well.  You’ll need the leg of a weight rack, the leg of a heavy piece of furniture, or something similar.


1. Loop the resistance band around the leg of the weight rack, the leg of a heavy piece of furniture, or something similar.  It needs to be sturdy enough not to move.
2. Lie on your back. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor.
3. Grab the handles with each hand.  Make sure the length of the band is even on both sides.
4. Pull the band toward your knees and make sure while you do it, your arms are stretched out straight. 
5. Crunch and touch your knees, but don’t rest your hands on your knees while you do this exercise. Keep a fluid back and forth motion. 
6. Keep your stomach tight and make sure you bring your neck and upper back off the floor when you do the exercise.



There are many exercises you can do with a resistance band to strengthen the legs.  One of them is the Donkey Kick.


1. Get on all fours.
2. Loop the resistance band around your body and right above the knees.
3. With your neck, back and hips aligned, kick your left bending leg up to waist height. Do not round your back.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions on one side, and then repeat on the other side.


The best resistance band exercises for bodybuilders adequately work your muscles.  Try some of them out!

The Ultimate Method to Change Your Life

There are many benefits to using resistance bands:

Convenient to pack and carry for travel
Come in multiple resistance levels
Exercise the entire body
Saves on storage space
Adds variety
Can be combined with other workouts

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